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What did our 70,000-year old ancestors really look like? Genetics lends us insights.

Authors Ask: Did Our Human Ancestors Gain Their Earliest Technological Advances from Denisovans with Savant Skills?

Most offender treatment goes on in the private sector—and more services are needed that target specific offender groups.

New research shows that light data coming from "weird star" KIC 8462852, commonly called "Tabby's Star," contains numeric patterns that could be aimed at communicating with life on Earth

Stone mounds, stone walls, stone snake effigies discovered in mountains near Jacksonville, Anniston, and Oxford, Alabama; article appears in Alternate Perceptions Magazine

The ancient Hopewell earthworks at Indiana's Fudge Site show all the key stellar and solar alignments associated with the Path of Souls death rituals.

Ancient American archaeology sites can provide a safe and educational vacation experience.

Placement of several thousand-year-old mound complexes in Louisiana were arranged to align with the constellations of Cygnus and Orion.

Placement of thousand-year-old mounds in Mississippi were arranged to align with the constellations of Cygnus and Orion.

Thousand-year-old, 14-mound complex along Ohio River aligns to the constellations of Cygnus and Orion pointing to the Path of Souls death journey.

Peer-reviewed journal article in "Archaeological Discoveries" shows that Giza's three pyramids were constructed to mimic the Cygnus Constellation

Archaeoastronomy evaluation at the Moundville, Alabama Native American Indian Mound Complex shows alignments to the constellations of Cygnus and Orion 800 years ago.

Winterville, Mississippi mound complex latest to show stellar alignments to Path of Souls

Marietta, Ohio's 2,000 year old mounds and earthworks were erected to help souls reach the stars. Ancient Native Americans designed the layouts of mounds in ways that pointed to key constellations.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the greatest challenges facing America's 23 million surviving Veterans, their families, and the U.S. Veterans Administration (V.A.). PTSD is often caused by traumatic events occurring during active duty and afflicts about 25 percent of Veterans at any given time. A new cognitive-behavioral program has been developed for Veterans with PTSD. The first training for professionals who treat Veteran populations with PTSD is March 22-23, 2016.

The 2,200 year old Native American Indian earthworks at Portsmouth were used to propel the souls of the dead to the stars. America's ancient Mound Builders used the mound and earthworks locations to gain access to the Path of Souls.
A 1909 Phoenix Gazette article related that a Prof. Jordan found a system of underground chambers in the Grand Canyon filled with Egyptian artifacts sent to the Smithsonian. Jordan has been said to never have existed, but oddly, he did.
Davidson Co., TN touts its "driving under the influence" program (Prime For Life) as the best in the state and is sometimes described as the best in the U.S. However, a new study shows a less expensive alternative yields better or equivalent results.